Mowing your lawn in Indiana is a vital maintenance task that keeps it at an ideal height and stimulates healthy growth. However, while it may sound straightforward, it's possible to do it wrong and do more harm than good, so you want to ensure your lawn mowing provider is following best practices. They should rotate their mowing patterns each visit to avoid creating ruts in the soil and adjust the mower's deck height to your turf type to keep it at a healthy length. Additionally, they should modify their mowing schedule according to what your lawn needs at certain times, whether it's weekly visits to keep up with its growth or skipping some during the summer when it's dry. When your provider implements these practices, you can rest assured that your grass receives proper maintenance.

Your Lawn Mowing Provider Should Rotate Mowing Patterns Each Visit

Lawn in Carmel, IN, with rotated mowing patterns.

The first practice your lawn mowing provider should do is rotating their mowing patterns each visit. Going over the same spots every time they cut your grass can cause it to lean in one direction, which makes it look less uniform, and it creates ruts in the soil, compacting it. As a result, it hinders resources like water, oxygen, and nutrients from penetrating and reaching your turf's roots. By rotating patterns each visit, your provider prevents this from happening, maintaining neat, straight growth and good health.

Your Lawn Mowing Provider Should Adjust the Mower's Deck Height to Your Turf Type

Another crucial practice your lawn mowing provider should do is adjust the mower's deck height to your turf type. Different types of grasses grow here in Indiana, and each one requires staying at a certain height for healthy growth. Your provider should know this and determine which type you have on your property so that they can mow it to the proper length. However, they can accommodate your preferences, like if you want to keep it longer or shorter, so long as it doesn't harm your grass.

Your lawn mowing provider should follow the 1/3 rule when mowing your grass, meaning they should never cut more than 1/3 off the top of the blades per session.

Your Mowing Provider Should Modify Their Mowing Schedule to Your Lawn's Needs

The last practice your lawn mowing provider should follow is modifying their mowing schedule according to your turf's needs. Weekly mowing during the growing season is ideal for keeping up with your grass and all the growth it'll do. However, there may be times, like during the summer, when it doesn't need it as frequently due to it being dry or not growing as quickly. When that's the case, your provider should skip a mowing session. That way, they avoid putting additional stress on your lawn and potentially harming it during an already taxing time of the year.

Keep your grass manicured by calling us to schedule our lawn mowing service!

Do you want to keep your grass manicured throughout the growing season? If so, look no further than our lawn mowing service! At Proscape Property Maintenance, we'll mow your lawn, string-trim, edge, and blow debris off hard surfaces weekly or as needed, meaning if it's not growing as fast during the summer, we won't risk adding more stress. Not only that, we also rotate our mowing patterns each visit and adjust our mower's deck height to your turf type. With us, you can trust that our team will follow ideal practices to maintain your lawn's health and uniform appearance.

We offer our lawn mowing service to residential and commercial properties, as well as HOAs, in Carmel, IN, and throughout the nearby areas, such as Westfield and Zionsville. Call us today at (317) 366-2752 to schedule this service!